Back! (With a Big, Fat Vengeance!)

Hello Dear Readers,

After a three year hiatus, Calculating the Curvature (formerly known only as Fat Feminism) is back to continue taking on body image, weight, and womanhood in the pop cultural zeitgeist. I’ve had three years to grow up, reevaluate my perspective of body image, and understand my own feminism, and now I’m ready to set my sites on the current fluctuations of weight consciousness in media. In the next coming weeks I am going to tackle the recent attention the fashion world has been paying to plus-size modeling (including the controversy surrounding model Crystal Renn), television’s new focus on fat (from weight-loss reality shows to the new teen drama Huge), and spotlighting full-figured celebrities and their roles in Fighting the Good Fight. I look forward to renewing this challenge and engaging in some dialogue with all of you out there soon! In the meantime, check out my new Twitter page, CalculatingCurv.

Much love,


~ by Rob Anne on July 16, 2010.

One Response to “Back! (With a Big, Fat Vengeance!)”

  1. I have to say, I recently found your blog by accident, and I absolutely love it! Thank you!


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